Rabu, 08 Juli 2015
Lombok grilled fish
Lombok grilled fish menu actually not much different from grilled fish dishes from other regions. We can be sure at least the same manufacturing process that is roasted or grilled. However skillful hands of this area as well as the secret seasoning that may be used to make this dish has a unique and all its own typical late when compared with the others.
A little different from this cuisine is the use of the seasoning cooking condiment. In addition basting also slightly different seasoning spices used in which smeared on the pan and baked fish. No wonder the taste of this dish is typical for our tongue, especially if you have never ate the grilled fish Lombok.
Can you imagine how delicious this dish? Definitely not, but if you want to taste sensation of these dishes NTB you can prepare yourself by learning the grilled fish grilled fish recipe typical of Lombok, which will be given. Want to try to make it?
For those of you who want to learn to cook dishes typical of this area you do not need to bother because they do not have the recipe, here you can learn to cook with a guide how to make grilled fish Lombok will be given. Of course you can begin to understand what is important in the process of cooking the menu.
Recipes Ikan Bakar Typical Lombok
Talking about the delicious cuisine but do not include the recipe will be very painful for me, for that I spend too to review this recipe cuisine. If you are interested, are interested and want to try this special menu gurihnya you can walk directly to the area of origin is the region Lombok West Nusa Tenggara (NTB
Paket liburan Lombok
paket wisata lombok Paket liburan Lombok ke Pantai Pink yang kebanyakan orang Indonesia tahu hanya ada di Flores, NTT. Ternyata Lombok juga punya, lho! Ini dia Pantai Pink alias Pantai Tangsi di Jerowaru, Lombok Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Paket liburan Lombok untuk ke pantai pink ini, dulu Pantai Pink ini dikenal dengan nama Pantai Tangsi. Pantai yang berada di Desa Pemongkong, Jerowaru ini hanyalah pantai transit untuk nelayan-nelayan yang berasal dari Desa Tanjung Luar, Keruak. Paket Liburan Lombok di Pantai Tangsi atau yang lebih dikenal dengan Pantai Pink dari Pulau Lombok terletak di desa Sekaroh, kecamatan Jerowaru, kabupaten Lombok Timur adalah sebuah destinasi wisatawan yang menarik dan patut untuk dikunjungi karena keunikannya.
tour lombok Pantai ini merupakan salah satu dari tujuh pantai di dunia yang memiliki pasir pantai berwarna pink, dan satu dari dua pantai di Indonesia yang memiliki pasir pantai berwarna pink. Warna pink pada pasirnya terbentuk karena butir-butir asli warna putih pasir bercampur dengan serpihan karang merah muda. Bias sinar matahari dan terpaan air laut menambah semakin jelas terlihat warna pink pantai tersebut. Pantai ini begitu tenang dan hanya memiliki ombak yang kecil sehingga membuat wisatawan lebih nyaman ketika bermain disana. Keindahan Pantai Pink pun terlihat sempurna dengan hamparan bukit di sekelilingnya.paket wisata lombok Di sisi kiri ada bukit dengan padang rumput yang luas dan dari bukit inilah pemandangan Pantai Pink terlihat sangat indah. Selain itu, ada juga tanjung yang eksotis di sisi kanan dengan gazebo yang memang disediakan di atasnya. Rute menuju Pantai Pink ini paket liburan Lombok untuk berkunjung daerah wisata, wisatawan seolah membelah hutan lindung Sekaroh.
paket tour lombok Wisatawan harus menempuh jarak sekitar 10 km dari pusat Desa Pemongkong dengan melewati jalanan aspal yang berlubang dan cukup mengocok perut jika kita tidak terbiasa menempuh jalan seperti ini. Tidak jarang kita akan berpapasan dengan kendaraan mewah. Ya, karena saat ini Pantai Pink menjadi primadona baru di Lombok. Untuk urusan bekal untuk paket liburan Lombok sangat disarankan Anda membawa langsung dari rumah atau membeli dulu di warung pusat Kecamatan Jerowaru.mutiara lombok Hal ini dikarenakan yang berjualan di sepanjang jalan hutan lindung Sekaroh ini masih jarang. Paket Liburan Lombok, kenapa dinamakan Pantai Pink? Kita akan tahu setelah menginjakkan kaki di pasirnya. Pasir di pantai ini terlihat berwarna pink. Warna pink pada pasir pantai ini ada karena pasir putih yang menyatu dengan butiran-butiran terumbu karang berwarna merah dan berefek kemerahan setelah bercampur air laut. Kemudian pantulan sinar matahari membuat warna pink pada pasir ini semakin terlihat. Terumbu karang berwarna merah ini tumbuh di perairan dangkal Pantai Tangsi dan terbawa ombak ke tepian. Keindahan Pantai Pink pun terlihat sempurna dengan hamparan bukit di sekelilingnya untuk paket Liburan Lombok. Di sisi kiri ada bukit dengan padang rumput yang luas dan dari bukit inilah pemandangan Pantai Pink terlihat sangat indah. Selain itu, ada juga tanjung yang eksotis di sisi kanan dengan gazebo yang memang disediakan di atasnya.
harga mutiara Paket Liburan Lombok tidak berhenti di situ, keindahan alam bawah laut Pantai Pink juga sempurna dengan adanya terumbu karang dan hewan-hewan lautnya. Dengan ombak yang tenang, snorkeling menjadi kegiatan yang pas di pantai ini. Tetapi sayang, beberapa gugusan terumbu karang sudah mulai rusak karena aktivitas nelayan setempat. Paket Liburan Lombok ini tidak cukup dengan menikmati keindahan alam Pantai Pink, kita juga bisa menyewa perahu nelayan setempat untuk berkeliling di gugusan pulau-pulau kecil (Gili) yang berada sekitar 2 kilometer dari bibir Pantai Pink. Tarifnya hanya Rp 10.000 per orang dan perahu bisa memuat sekitar 10-12 orang. Selain itu, juga ada sebuah gua peninggalan Jepang di bukit sisi tengah Pantai Pink.harga mutiara Gua ini mirip dengan gua-gua peninggalan Jepang di Sumatera Barat dan wilayah lain di Indonesia ini, mempunyai diameter sekitar 1,5 meter. Paket liburan Lombok di gua ini kurang terawat dan banyak ditumbuhi semak belukar. Konon gua Jepang ini adalah tempat bersembunyinya tentara Jepang pada masa Perang Dunia II, karena hampir seluruh gua Jepang di wilayah Indonesia mempunyai ciri dan fungsi yang sama, yaitu sebagai tempat persembunyian.
paket wisata lombok Suasana pantai yang masih sepi dan bisa dikatakan masih sangat alami (perawan) merupakan salah satu daya tarik yang sangat menarik bagi beberapa turis ataupun wisatawan lokal yang kebetulan berkunjung kepantai ini saat ada paket liburan Lombok . Selain itu, keistimewaan lain yang ada pantai ini adalah warna pasirnya yang cendurung berwarna merah muda (pink). Warna ini disebabkan karena pecahan terumbu karang berwarna merah yang banyak terdapat disana, selain itu di lokasi pantai terdapat goa jepang yang berbentuk persegi yang kabarnya jika kita masuk dan menelusuri goa tersebut maka kita akan tembus ke pantai yang berada di sebelah bukit yang berada disebelah kiri pantai.lombok tour Salah satu paket liburan Lombok yang perlu diketahui oleh para wisatawan adalah bahwa disekitaran pantai tidak terdapat satu pun penjual makanan dan minuman atau pedagang asongan, yang ada hanya beberapa bangunan rumah, beruga, dan sebuah musholla kecil. Namun dirumah penduduk sekitar terdapat sumur payau yang berfungsi untuk membilas diri saja, sehingga disarankan kepada para wisatawan untuk mebawa bekal yang cukup terutama air minum.
Pantai Pink
mutiara lombok Paket liburan Lombok yaitu pantai pink dengan kealamian dan kebersihan pantai yang terjaga, yang bisa dibuktikan dengan tidak ada sampah yang berserakan disekitar lokasi pantai walaupun tidak terdapat tempat sampah khusus. Untuk paket liburan Lombok ini lah yang membuat pantai ini dikatakan surga bagi para wisatawan, karena kita bisa menikmati indahnya alam, pasir yang berwarna merah muda (pink), deburan ombak, suasana yang tenang dan nyaman, angin yang sepoi–sepoi serta cahaya matahari yang cerah membuat pikiran tenang setelah seminggu beraktivitas penuh dan jauh dari hingar bingar kebisingan. Sungguh pantai “Pink” Tangsi adalah surga di bumi khususnya Lombok. Pantai ini sangat direkomendasikan bagi para backpacker atau traveler dan wisatawan yang ingin berkunjung saat ada paket liburan Lombok.
harga mutiaraPantai “Pink” Lombok ini dapat menjadi destinasi favorit anda untuk liburan bersama keluarga,teman atau kerabat Lokasi Pantai Tangsi atau Pantai Pink terletak di desa Sekaroh, kecamatan Jerowaru, kabupaten Lombok Timur, kota Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Untuk mencapai Pantai Pink, wisatawan dapat melewati rute dari kota Mataram ke Pantai Tanjung Ringgit karena letaknya yang berdekatan. Jalanan yang rusak dan berlubang membuat wisatawan membutuhkan waktu sekitar 2 jam berkendara untuk sampai ke sana. Pintu masuk ke pantai ini, terdapat di 1 km sebelum wisatawan memasuki pantai Tanjung Ringgit, atau sebelum sampai di Pintu masuk pantai Ringgit, akan terlihat di pinggir jalan sebuah rambu yang bertuliskan ‘PANTAI PINK 50M”. Aktivitas Wisatawan yang datang ke Pantai Pink dapat melakukan banyak kegiatan, khususnya kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan air seperti :snorkeling, memancing, dan menyelam.perhiasan mutiara Untuk snorkeling wisatawan harus membawa perlengkapan sendiri, karena tidak ada yang menyewakan peralatan. Selain itu, wisatawan juga dapat menyewa perahu nelayan untuk mengelilingi gugusan pulau-pulau kecil yang berjarak hanya 2 km dari tepi pantai dan tidak jauh dari sekitaran pantai, wisatawan dapat menjelajahi goa peninggalan Jepang. Akomodasi Wisatawan tidak akan menemukan fasilitas lengkap dan super mewah seperti pantai pada umumnya. Anda hanya akan menemukan nelayan yang menawarkan perahu untuk mengelilingi pulau kecil dan beberapa orang yang menawarkan aneka minuman dan tidak ada penginapan. Oleh karena itu, disarankan anda pulau pada sore hari untuk kembali ke penginapan. open trip lombok
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Paket Lombok
paket wisata lombok Paket Lombok here certainly is on the island of Lombok, but as we all know that the tourist island of Lombok object is an island in the small Sunda islands, Nusa Tenggara Barat and separated by the Lombok Strait from the island to the west and the Alas Strait and to the east of sumbawa. Package Lombok much in demand by the people of the Lombok and outside of chili, but most of the visitors come from abroad or out of town.
tour lombok Object tourist island of Lombok island has an area of 5,435 km2 reached, placing it at rank 108 of the list of islands is based on the extent of the world. The topography of the island is dominated by Mount Rinjani with a height that reaches 3,726 meters above sea level and making it the third highest in Indonesia. Areas south of the island is largely composed of fertile land used for agriculture. Package Lombok is located in Lombok island has a population in 2001: 2,722,123 inhabitants.
paket wisata lombok Package Lombok to Lombok filled with tropical appeal. The islands endowed with beautiful white sandy beaches, big waves to surf, lush forests, as well as hiking trails through rice paddies and tobacco fields. With the construction of the international airport recently, Lombok increasingly opening itself as one of the world's tourist destinations. So, it is worth if the beach in Indonesia into the 10 most beautiful beaches in the world as a package Lombok. In the list that was published by Lonely Planet, beaches on the island of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, juxtaposed with beautiful beaches Hawaiian Islands, the Bahamas, and the Caribbean.
beach senggigi
paket tour lombok Lombok package really enjoy doing by many visitors or travelers that both foreigners and local people. As for when the travelers berkun jung to existing tourist attractions in Lombok, travelers visit the sights in Lombok which makes kerjinan weaving etc. Lombok package contained several packages, there is a package for 5 days 4 nights, 4 days and 3 nights, 2 days 1 night, but here the tour agency also was preparing other equipment or other attractions that can be surrounded on Lombok travel.
mutiara lombok Lombok package can be specified by the traveler, which is a package that will be chosen, so the tour agent menydiakan only service that makes the customer happy and feel comfortable, it is one of the tasks of the tour agent for the customer as it travels around Lombok Package. Here are examples of Lombok package, such as for package 3 days 2 nights, penjelasaanya sperti:
FIRST DAY: Arrive in Lombok Island - Indigenous Tourism Lombok Island
Tour Name: Sasak, Kuta Beach
Duration: ± 8 Hours
Theme: Cultural Arts and Panorama Nature
harga mutiara Lombok package consists of a few places, such as; Banyumulek village: This village is a producer of handicrafts made of clay and ceramics. Various kinds of handicrafts produced as wall hangings, animals such as lizards, elephants, snakes etc. Adorned with vases of flowers, calligraphy and other knickknacks. When you visit this place you will also be able to know the manufacturing process and learn how to make various types of crafts from clay.
harga mutiara Lombok package Sukarara village: This village is one of the villages and songket woven fabrics producer in Lombok. In this place you can see the process and the way of making fabric / songket that was done in the traditional and hereditary sasak of ancestors who bequeathed to their descendants. Package Lombok in the village Sade / Rambitan: Sade village is a traditional village sasak. In this village there called the rice storage barns. The most unique of this place is the floor made from animal dung mixed with clay, it is intended to repel mosquitoes or flies. Here can also be encountered mosques and merchants knickknacks in the form of necklaces, bracelets, toys and songket or so-called scarf. Residents of this village are very uphold customs in daily activities.
paket wisata lombok Package Lombok is located on the beach of Kuta: Kuta Beach is one of the unspoiled beaches dazzling with soft white sand and the clarity of the water, here you can relax and rest for a while. This beach became famous lately and crowded in the visit, especially for surfers both domestic and foreign.
Package Lombok Tanjung Aan: Very popular recently among domestic travelers. This beach offers an outstanding masterpiece with the beauty of natural scenery, coastal and marine water clarity. Enjoy the softness of white sand that accompany step when you set foot on this island. Lunch at Segara Anak Restaurant, Kuta and Dinner at Restaurant Ayam Taliwang.
DAY TWO: TOUR marine biota 3G (Gili Air, Gili Meno and Trawangan)
Tour Name: 3G Tour Departing from Senggigi
Duration: ± 8 Hours
Theme: Panorama Nature and Sea Travel
lombok tourSenggigi Beach: Senggigi Beach is an excellent white sandy beaches on the island of Lombok, located in West Lombok district, the beach is also used as an alternative port to cross into 3Gili (Gili Air, Meno and Trawangan) .Tebing Malimbu: Passing a Malimbu cliff scenery very beautiful from above Outrigger Boat, you can capture the moment this place as the most bagus.Gili Water: Gili Air is a small island located east ushered second most Gili (Gili Meno and Trawangan), Island Air offers the most ideal place for snorkeling here a lot of fish ornamental fish are scattered foraging. Gili Meno: Meno Island flanked by two Small island (Gili Air and Trawangan) holds so many places to see underwater natural charm, here you can give fish eat fish with the bread while preserve the underwater camera, enjoying the atmosphere underwater spectator Meno Island, proceed to Gili Trawangan.
Lombok Villa for Sale - mutiara lombok
Gili Trawangan: The island is well known as a small island with a wide range of facilities ranging from accommodation for backpackers to hotels and villas with facilities Lux, Trawangan island usually used as a place for entertainment as well as a culinary center ranging from culinary local, long-distance to the International, here too many water menawarak Tourism activities such as: Banana Boat, Glass Bottom Boat, Island Tour with Cidomo / Andong, bike rental to enjoy SUNSET west side or behind the Mount Trawangan the background of Mount Agung, Bali. Evenings are usually there are plenty of places to hang out while enjoying the atmosphere of the evening Gili Trawangan, at the time of the Full Moon, usually held party from afternoon to morning.
harga mutiara Further activities are lunch at Juku Restaurant, Gili Trawangan and Dinner with its own fee because in Gili Trawangan plenty of options for dinner with a variety of good food menu style food Gili Trawangan and International.
THIRD DAY: Transfer Hotel - Airport
Having finished breakfast at hotel, free time while waiting for pick-up for transfer to the airport. Activity tour to travel around the chili is finished. perhiasan mutiara
Lombok Tour Packages
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Mawun Central Lombok beach
paket wisata lombok - Mawun is one of the names the famous beach in Lombok today. Mawun beaches located in the area Praya Central Lombok district. Mawun beach is one of the very beautiful beach resort on the island of Lombok. Mawun beach is also one of the few rows of the south coast of the island of Lombok as the coast of Cape An.
tour lombok Mawun beach can be regarded as a hidden paradise in the south of the island of Lombok. Said to be a hidden paradise for beach Mawun not known by many tourists. When the author visited Mawun coast, at that time I think it was only 3 or 4 tourists who were sunbathing on the beach. But if already many know, maybe the tourists will flock to visit this place. Of all the beaches that the author visited, until now no one has been able to rival the beauty of this Mawun beach. Because it is not just beautiful, but the place is still awake authenticity and cleanliness.
paket wisata lombok Mawun beach is also one of the attractions with panoramic beach and mountains are no less good with Belanak Selong beach, Kuta Beach, and Beach Music. Starting from the beauty of the sand, beaches, mountains and hill too. White sand with a long coastline and shoreline length also will complement the big waves with incredible surfing sensation. Not one of some people refer to it as one of the beach paradise. The most beautiful thing is the view when we look towards the line that separates the beach and the sky.paket tour lombok Seen sea water that fills the beach Mawun derived from an area that is almost like strait is flanked by two mountains are still green and very indah.Pantai Mawun also very suitable visited by the tourists who love photography, especially who like to capture pictures of landscapes (landscape ). In addition to coastal beaches are still clean, two mountains that flank the entry point of sea water can also be used as objects of photography is very good.
harga mutiara Some places like Kuta Beach, Selong Belanak, Seger Beach, and Beach Mawun often become a tourist destination. One example, Mawun Beach (Mawun Beach). Mawun is a beach located in the village of Batch, district. Pujut, Kab. Central Lombok, NTB. The location is quite remote and primitive life still make tourist destinations unspoiled beach Mawun still lacking today when compared to Senggigi Beach and a cluster of three Gili (Trawangan, Meno, water) is quite well known. Though natural scenery and green hills, accompanied by the beauty of the beach no less beautiful and charming.
harga mutiara If you want to travel to the beach Mawun, the best route is via: Mataram - Kediri - Praya - Penujak - Selong Belanak - Mawun (see map).Based on the route, we can travel for approximately 1.5 hours with an average speed of vehicles 60-80 km / h. In addition, past some areas that are not less interesting in offering its beauty, is a trip to the beach Mawun that there will not be bored.
paket wisata lombok Mawun beach is parallel to Kuta Beach Lombok, so if the tourists want to go to the beach Wawun then the tourists also have to take the same direction towards Kuta Beach Lombok. The journey from Kuta Beach Lombok to the beach Mawun approximately less than 30 minutes. During the trip, we will realize that how beautiful creation of God on Earth and its contents. On the beach These Mawun we will pass some hills which of course followed the valley with a stretch of pasture and livestock. However, there is a fairly steep incline with a derivative that is not less steep thereafter. From the top of the slope we could see some stretch of beaches with incredible beauty. Of beauty that alone would make the adventurous feel to lose visited Mawun Beach.
lombok tour Before reaching Mawun, we passed Selong Belanak. Then we will distance to travel to reach Mawun of Selong Belanak about 9 km with estimated time of approximately ± 15 minutes with a standard speed of 60-80 km / h. Certainly going exertion in the heat of the sun, but all will be paid off when he reached the beach Mawun. After arriving at the beach Mawun, the tourists will be asked a fee for entrance to the beach if using the vehicle. Entry fee only 10,000 for four-wheel or car and Rp. 5000 for a two-wheeler or motorcycle. When entering the parking lot, after the tourists entering the park, the tourists will lengsung dazzled by the beauty of Turkish tourists Mawun so make haste to get down from the vehicle being used and can not wait to get to the coast.
mutiara lombokMawun beaches have white sand, if we call the white sand bound tourists also often see you at other beaches ever visit. However, we will never see a beach like beach Mawun. Because the beach is like being in the ring but ends pierced circles directly by the ocean Hindi.
Maybe this can only be written about Mawun Beach, Paradise Beach Lombok, hopefully the readers can enjoy the writings that I've made. Hopefully the readers could be interested in and want untu visit Mawun Paradise Beach Lombok. Just read while enjoy your day. Thank you :-) harga mutiara
Lombok Tour Packages
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Lombok Tour 2015
paket wisata lombok - or commonly referred to as PACKAGE TOUR LOMBOK has been chosen by lovers of travel at this time. Wonderful charm of the island of Bali is no doubt, all the wide audience did admit that Bali is one of the very beautiful tourist destinations. Well talk about bali, surely our minds fixed on a famous tourist attraction beauty of sand and beaches named Kuta beach.
tour lombok Yes it is true attraction Kuta beach has become a magnet for foreign and local guests. Every day, the beach is always invaded by thousands tourists. In addition to Kuta there are several beaches famous for its beauty, like a dreamland, fields - fields, and other Sanur, Bali can be said also is famous for its beautiful beaches ,.paket wisata lombok Besides the beauty of the beach, there are many attractions that can be visited, such as bedugul, Kintamani, land lots etc. But what in Lombok Tour in 2015? Lombok Tour 2015 "The Siter of Bali" is one of the objects tourist destination continues to grow rapidly in recent years. Lombok presents a beautiful tourist spot.
paket tour lombok Travelers to Lombok level is growing rapidly in this decade. As we know, if the island of Bali and Lombok there are many similarities. Therefore Tourism Lombok island not far behind tourism in Bali. the place is surrounded by oceans make Lombok a favorite place for tourists who want to enjoy the beauty of the sea.mutiara lombok Senggigi is a favorite tourist attraction in Lombok and are in the west Tour Lombok 2015 Senggigi Beach is not as famous Kuta Bali, but if we are in the Senggigi beach, the atmosphere felt like bringing us like in Kuta, Bali Gili Trawangan, Lombok is located in West Nusa Tenggara province.
harga mutiara Gili Trawangan is the largest island of the cluster of three dyke like Gili Meno Gili Air Gili Trawangan. The situation is far from the crowds, the absence of polluting vehicles, stunning sea views is something exclusive of the appeal of this island. You can perform activities such as diving in the sea (scuba diving) or can also snorkel. Attractions on the island of Lombok Tour 2015 also keeps the natural beauty that really fascinating.harga mutiara Lombok also save the beauty of the beaches that must to visit, call and Kute aan headlands beach in Lombok Tour 2015. This white sandy beach is so beautiful, because they tourists who visit the place at least this. Not hayal sandy beach-like grains of pepper has become a favorite destination in southern Lombok.
paket wisata lombok Examples of other beaches of Gili Trawangan, a beautiful island in the north of the island of Lombok bertepat. Needed a boat to cross to the island, because of its location which is separated from the mainland Lombok. The beach in Gili Trawangan, pure memamg save a million marine charm. You can perform activities such as snorkeling and diving in this place, its coral reefs still looks nice and terawatt, as well as its ornamental fish, which makes us as if - by being in a giant aquarium, if performing these activities. In addition to the coast of Lombok attractions also lombok tour
have an object such as rinjani, spring gile, garden Narmada etc. come just to Lombok guaranteed to be going home
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